
  • Teodora G. Ilieva Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


eleyonyms, linguistic and cultural code, set expressions, phraseological structure, semantic motivation


The term eleyonym is an author's suggestion and names a hyperonymic nest, which is structured by the hyponyms nouns oil, olive oil, vegetable margarine, olives, sunflower and others. But the most common, which have become key words in a number of archaic and current phraseological expressions in the Bulgarian language, are butter and lard. They develop different aspects of the native language picture of the world. The stable phrases, whose semantic center they make up, are a marker for the word-forming and semantic potential of the Bulgarian language, but also for its ethno-psychological and linguo-cultural spectrum. The publication deals mainly with stable word combinations, conceptualizing the concepts of butter and lard. Non-essential phraseological expressions, such as collocations, phraseological comparisons and word combinations, are not presented in detail. The taxonomic material is excerpted from Bulgarian phraseological dictionaries, contemporary media texts and art corpora. It is differentiated into 2 macrosemantic groups. The first includes 12 microthemes and the second 3 microthemes. The word-forming mechanisms for constructing phraseological units with supporting words butter and lard are analyzed. Phrases with only these two key elements are studied, without specification, for example, the distribution of tokens nominating the types of oil (rose oil, essential oil, cow, cocoa, coconut, palm, peanut, machine, etc. oils) is not analyzed. A comparison is made between the phrase-forming index, the semantic-stylistic intentions and the phrase-cultural specifics of the two eleonyms.  

The article also comments on the syntactic models - bielemental and polyelemental, which explicate the real and several selected non-essential phrases. The two-component models include: S + S; V + pr + S. The multicomponent models are: V + part + V + S + pr + S; V + pr + A + Pron + S; S + pr + S + V; S + c + S + Pron + V + pr + S and others.

Monoelement stable word combinations are not registered. Several of the phrases have an open structure. Almost all isolated phrases have colloquial use, dialects and books are very limited. 


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How to Cite

G. Ilieva, T. (2021). ELEYONYMS IN THE BULGARIAN PHRASEOLOGICAL PARADIGM. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(6), 1193–1198. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/4488