
  • Urim Gashi College BIZNESI, Kosovo


ethics, tourism, norms, hospitality, pandemics


Ethics means a systematic pursuit of individual and social moral experience. Ethics determines the rules that govern human behavior and its values. Ethics is a set of norms that are accepted in a collective way which guide our reasoning about what is good and what is bad and wrong. Another definition would be that ethics is the process by which one distinguishes good from evil and acts in the direction of what we think is right. Ethics is not a new topic for discussion and debate, as it has been discussed and debated in the history of all cultures and countries. Ethics as a term can be found in various forms and names, such as: professional ethics, media ethics, business ethics and more. The essence of all this is the ethical responsibility in accordance with social responsibility. A good understanding and promotion of the common ethical values ​​of man and attitudes for tolerance and respect for religious, philosophical and moral beliefs are the foundation and result of responsible tourism. Participants in the development of tourism should know the ethical norms and standards, i.e., all values ​​that are related to good behavior towards themselves and tourists. Tourism activities should be developed in accordance with the customs, ethical and moral values ​​of the destination in which tourists travel and stay, but also in accordance with the laws and positive practices. The purpose and subject of this theoretical and empirical research is related to ethics in science research on hotels and restaurants in Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo, in a time of pandemic with Covid-19, so that we can make a comparison between hotels and restaurants in terms of ethics and the impact it can have on the development of those companies and on tourism in general, in specific global conditions. This will be done through an elaboration in theory and practice in order to determine the real situation when it comes to the ethics in the hospitality business, with special reference to the hotel and restaurant companies in Prishtina. On the other hand, we want to know how ethical standards are implemented in a time of the global health crisis created by Covid-19. In addition, the analysis of what has been determined through the research aims to point out the shortcomings in the ethical research and work, but also to offer specific guidelines for their improvement.


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How to Cite

Gashi, U. (2021). ETHICS IN HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS IN PRISHTINA IN A TIME OF PANDEMICS WITH COVID-19. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(5), 1133–1138. Retrieved from