
  • Iliana Sokolova Medical University – Sofia, Faculty of Public Health
  • Delyana Hadzhideleva Medical University – Sofia, Faculty of Public Health
  • Daniela Gavrailova Medical University – Sofia, Faculty of Public Health


breast cancer, prevention, health promotion


In recent years, cancer has shown a significant increase worldwide. Breast cancer is the most common and socially significant cancer in women. According to the WHO, breast cancer is the most common malignancy in developed countries and is the second leading cause of cancer deaths. Breast cancer affects one in eight American women, one in ten Western European women and one in twenty-two Bulgarian women. In recent years, there has been a decline in the age limit, with the incidence of breast cancer in women up to 30 years of age. Unfortunately, in many cases, breast cancer is detected and diagnosed when it is in an advanced stage. The chance of success is significant if the process is detected at an early stage. Conducting regular prophylactic examinations of the mammary gland is of great benefit for the early diagnosis of malignancy. Despite the great importance of the disease, which is determined not only by its high frequency, but also by the tendency to increase the background of an aging population, by affecting younger women and its heterogeneous nature (as a challenge in individualizing treatment), There are scientifically based and established in practice strategies for prevention and early diagnosis, which have proven their role in the control of breast cancer. The aim of the present study is to outline the main problems related to the prevention of breast cancer, health care in pre-hospital care, as well as the level of health knowledge of women and to determine the directions for their improvement. Material and methods. An empirical sociological survey was conducted through an anonymous survey containing 10 questions. 75 women who visited outpatient offices at DCC - PSAGBAL "St. Sofia ”, Sofia, USBAL in Oncology - Sofia. Statistical methods have been used to analyze and present the results, which reveal some degree of deficits in terms of health promotion and prevention of breast cancer. Conclusion. The analyzed results revealed insufficient activity of pre-hospital health care for women who are currently healthy; poor information and poor organization regarding preventive examinations; desire of the respondents to conduct preventive examinations and a good level of health knowledge in the absence of the necessary health behavior; limited information on screening examinations, insufficient time for a wider range of applicants and a complete and explanatory program on the need for preventive examinations for breast cancer


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How to Cite

Sokolova, I., Hadzhideleva, D., & Gavrailova, D. (2021). PREVENTION OF BREAST CANCER IN BULGARIA - PROBLEMS AND PRIORITIES. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(4), 873–878. Retrieved from