primary school age, games, music, speechAbstract
This material discusses several suggestions for games suitable for primary school age in music education. The purpose of the presented ideas is to stimulate children's thinking, especially in terms of discovering the richness of the Bulgarian language, with the help and significant participation of music. This would lead to understanding the linguistic possibilities of expression, describing images, feelings, moods, states, through musical and verbal means of expression. This interdependence introduces young students to the infinite possibilities inherent in the arts. The proposed game forms are suitable for the development of a wide range of thinking - logical and creative - both in the field of language and in the acquisition and upgrading of language culture through various models for expression, formulation and / or demonstration. The connection between melody and speech is inevitable. Children love to both sing and talk. Through the song, which contains music and lyrics, they express their moods and feelings. Children's sensitivity to musical suggestion helps to properly and fully understand and make sense of the words. This allows you to feel both the melody of the language and the natural fusion, the transition from one type of sound to another. Play is still an integral part of the lives of primary school children. Through it and in it, they have fun, think, experiment, gain emotional and practical experience. The considered examples are researched and practically applied by the author of the material. They are closely related to the entertaining and thus engaging side of the tasks. In the form of a game, the teacher develops in the children skills for: reasonable, appropriate use of the native language; clarity and accuracy in expressing and formulating thoughts or feelings; understanding the personal verbal capabilities of the individual student, and the ensuing opportunities. The game, combined, enhanced by the presence of the musical melody, leads to the enrichment of personal images, to the flight of imagination and the development of imagination. The proposed material does not exhaust the possibilities hidden in the composition between music and speech. The experience shared by the author is just one of the doors that are open to the invention of anyone interested in the endless possibilities that different arts provide. Teaching in the form of play not only intrigues and engages young students. It brings satisfaction, joy and mutual satisfaction to the participants, the collaborators in this pleasant activity. Turning learning into a game is an achievement that enlightens and educates.
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