
  • Smilena Smilkova “prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov” University, Burgas, Bulgaria


survey, students, art, general culture


The presented material is based on an analysis of a survey containing questions from the field of some of the arts - music, fine arts and literature. The survey was conducted among students from the University "Prof. Asen Zlatarov ”Burgas, specialties Preschool and primary school pedagogy, Preschool pedagogy with a foreign language, Primary school pedagogy with a foreign language and Social pedagogy in June 2021. The choice of the listed pedagogical specialties is justified by the musical disciplines that are studied in them, as well as by those in the field of literature and fine arts. The motivation for doing this survey is described in an article published in the previous issue of this magazine. (46.6.p.1171-1174). The purpose of the survey is to establish the knowledge and general culture of students in the field of music, literature and fine arts in the period 17-19 century and to enrich their knowledge of the European arts. It is essential  that future teachers  have diverse knowledge, which they should   not only  wield in order to  teach their pupils, but also  be able to logically and reasonably integrate it, as a result of which to develop and expand the worldview, awareness and knowledge of children. The rich general culture of the future teachers in kindergarten, primary school and social pedagogues presupposes improvement of their divergent thinking, agility and sharpness of the mind, ingenuity and creativity in presenting certain material to the students, foresight and assessment of the needs, problems, omissions and the need to upgrade in children’s education. This general culture would provoke the search for the most appropriate means and ways to achieve the set teaching tasks and the challenges in the difficult path to discovery of  interesting, creative and intriguing presentation of knowledge to children and students. There is not a one-way path in this professional field, but the presence of desire, creative thinking, emotional inspiration and broad content knowledge on the part of the teacher will inevitably leave traces in the child's mind. It is in this sense that the survey and its analysis have been conducted. The conclusions are useful both as informative data and as a guide for future activities in preparing students in the field of the above arts - about their omissions, knowledge, interests, forms and content of work with them. This would lead to the development of key competencies in students - skills for learning, communication, expression through creativity, which over time they will pass on to their pupils.


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How to Cite

Smilkova, S. (2021). CULTURE THROUGH KNOWLEDGE (SURVEY ANALYSIS). KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 47(5), 823–826. Retrieved from