
  • Valentin Vasilev Higher School of Security and Economics, Plovdiv; Bulgaria
  • Dimitrina Stefanova South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Blagoevgrad; Bulgaria


communication barriers, trends, management, human resources, Crisis


The role of communications and the communication process are currently changing in significant aspects. The globalizing society and business, the ongoing and unpredictable Covid-19 pandemic, the constant and chaotic economic trends; hybridity in the changes in the main social processes and many other factors have led to the exacerbation of some trends affecting the management processes.

Factors such as: human resources management; labour market pressures, equality and social justice and accountability; demographic factors; the increased need for decentralization; the role of social responsibility; social entrepreneurship; the role of information and smart technologies in management, crises, fake news and others, were presented in new aspects to business and public executives.

The different and extremely diverse means of communication, forms, values dimensions, context, information redundancy and overload, loss of trust, etc. complicate the process of interaction between the communicator and the recipient. The requirement to explore, update and overcome the causes that do not allow people to build effective communication or completely block it, takes lead. In the presence of communication barriers, the information is distorted, loses its original meaning or does not reach the recipient at all, which makes the whole process of data transmission meaningless.

The ideas presented in the work can be an appropriate basis for the development of programs for organizational change in the aspects concerning the communication processes in the modern environment and outlining new paradigms in overcoming the obstacles in the organizational communication.


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How to Cite

Vasilev, V., & Stefanova, D. (2021). COMPLEX COMMUNICATION BARRIERS IN THE ORGANISATION IN A CRISIS CONTEXT. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(1), 29–33. Retrieved from