
  • Vladimir Valkov Department of Public Administration, UNWE – Sofia, Bulgaria



social security system, pensions, financial resources, economic factor


The economic factor and its strong influence is determined mainly by the funds received from social security contributions in the social security system, by the number of persons employed, by the pension costs and the amount of the maximum social security income, as well as by the average monthly salary. Funds allocated to pensions are a major economic factor that has a major impact on the social security system. The more money is spent on pensions, the greater the negative financial effect on the social security system. The unfavorable demographic trends and the aging of the population in Bulgaria have led to higher pension expenditures. The purpose of the report is to show the great importance of the economic factor as an essential element of the social security system. The funds allocated for pensions in the social security system are essential. As the population ages, pension costs increase, so does the burden on the social security system. The current social security system is based on three pillars - mandatory pension insurance, mandatory supplementary and supplementary voluntary pension insurance. Compulsory pension insurance is in fact a continuation of the previously operating pension system, based on the pay-as-you-go system, with modifications to somehow link people's contributions to the pensions received. The insured pay social security contributions, which are distributed and paid in the form of a pension to the disabled. Compulsory supplementary pension insurance is the second pillar of the system and is based on the so-called funds or capital principle. The contributions of the insured persons are transferred to pension funds, which invest the resources in investment instruments. As it has already become clear, the three-pillar model in Bulgaria is a mix of the cost-covering and capital models. The problems in these models quite naturally have an impact on the chosen three-pillar model in Bulgaria. The main idea behind the cost-covering model is that working young people contribute to the pension system and these contributions are used to pay the pensions of the currently disabled. The model can be considered as a kind of social transfer of resources between generations. Young people work and pay a "social tax", and the disabled receive an income (pension) that provides them with consumption. The results show that more and more funds are needed for the social security system, which are obtained through grants from the national budget.


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How to Cite

Valkov, V. (2021). IMPACT OF THE ECONOMIC FACTOR ON THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 47(1), 213–218.