
  • Vladimir Valkov UNWE, Sofia, Bulgaria


social policy, children and families, social assistance, family benefits


The normative framework for social assistance aimed at caring for children is the Family Benefits for Children Act. Family benefits are funds in cash and / or in kind that support the upbringing of children in a family environment by parents or carers. Formally, the law does not explicitly declare the goal of reducing poverty or combating social exclusion, but the mechanism of granting benefits and their size to a large extent in practice play the role of a kind of "second pillar" of the social assistance system in Bulgaria. One-time childbirth allowance, one-off childbirth allowance, one-off twin care allowance, one-off childcare allowance from a mother (adoptive) student in full-time education, one-time free travel allowance once a year with the railway and bus transport in the country for mothers with many children, the monthly family allowance for a child without the right to a survivor's pension from a deceased parent and the monthly allowance for raising a child with permanent disability are provided without income test for the family. The one-off maternity allowance, the one-off allowance for pupils enrolled in the first grade, the monthly allowance for raising a child up to the age of one year and the monthly allowance for raising a child until the completion of secondary education, but not more than 20 years of age, are granted after income verification. The purpose of this article is to show the result of the implementation of social benefits for children and families in Bulgaria. The results will clearly show the lack of funds needed to implement care for children and families in need. The law regulates the legal possibility for the monthly allowances for raising a child until the completion of secondary education, the monthly allowances for raising a child up to the age of one and the one-time allowances for students enrolled in first grade to be provided in kind. in all cases of minor parents this is mandatory. With regard to families raising children with permanent disabilities, families of relatives, close or foster families - for children placed under the Child Protection Act and children raised by one living parent, family benefits are provided in regime, regardless of family income. The lack of adequate support for parents and families at risk is associated with poorer health and education indicators, a higher risk of behavioral and emotional problems in adulthood, substance abuse, crime and other challenges, all of which have serious societal consequences. and costs. Currently, most existing policies in Bulgaria affect parents, but without being bound by a system of targeted support actions. There are more than 20 normative, sub-normative acts and strategies in Bulgaria, regulating the support to families and children, but they are not integrated so as to address their needs and problems in a complex way

Author Biography

Vladimir Valkov, UNWE, Sofia, Bulgaria

Department “Public administration”


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How to Cite

Valkov, V. (2021). SOCIAL POLICY IN SUPPORTING CHILDREN AND FAMILIES. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 48(1), 193–197. Retrieved from