
  • Maria Dishkova University “Prof. d-r Asen Zlatarov” – Burgas, Bulgaria


helping behavior, training, prosocial behavior, learning, teamwork, interactive methods


Human behavior is a subject of research by a number of contemporary authors in its various aspects: basic determinants; manifestations; connection between internal experiences, emotions and external expression through behavioral activity; deviant behavior; social behavior; helping behavior. There are various theories and their followers about the causes and factors that determine specific behavior, some of which recognize that behavior, whether prosocial or deviant, is learned, especially when there are vivid examples in the individual's immediate environment and he/she lives in conditions of full influence by them. In this sense, it can be argued that helping behavior is also learned as any other behavior activity. There are scientific theories that this type of behavior is innate, which is most evident in young children, but in the process of growth and development they begin to select and use other patterns of behavior that present them more attractively in society, they believe. There is no theoretical part in this paper, because these concepts about prosocial behavior are discussed by the author in many other of her publications. Rather, an attempt is made to test in practice various games, discussion topics and interactive methods that encourage children to prosocial behavior and seek to help others without seeking personal gain at all. It is, for example, a team work game that requires all participants not only to partner, but also to help each other to achieve the main goal successfully. This training offers the opportunity to choose between proposed alternatives or how to act in a specific situation that requires a manifestation of humanity on our side. Significantly, in theory, children often know how to do the right thing, but in real life they show different, unknown behavior, most often with the excuse that they have been provoked or even unjustly accused. The concept of "helping behavior" can be commented on with the children. The idea is to understand the meaning they bring into it and how they understand its content. It is possible to discuss the vision of the "helping man or woman" - who he/she is; how he/she looks; is he/she close to us; is he/she a superhero; does it always help; how can we contact him/her; do we imagine that we are the "helping man, woman, boy or girl". It is very important to make a reference to the attitude of children to the help, not only which they provide, but also which they receive - is there gratitude; can we help a person who refuses or does not want our help. Of course, no less important is the information about the moments when we help and those when we refuse to give a hand to a person in need. Very often, unfortunately, this is determined by the environment, by our friends, by   observers.


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How to Cite

Dishkova, M. (2021). HELPING BEHAVIOR TRAINING. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 47(2), 359–365. Retrieved from