
  • Maria Dishkova University “Prof. d-r Asen Zlatarov” – Burgas, Bulgaria


social pedagogue / worker, mediation, dispute, conflict, interaction, voluntary participation, expression of will


Daily atmosphere in Bulgarian primary school today is a huge challenge for every pedagogue. It requires using of alternative methods of social-pedagogical impact. Mediation is a really efficient way of settling disputes. Its practical application in elementary school implies the use of specific strategies to resolve conflict situations. These strategies are based on the main goal: reaching an agreement that fully satisfies both parties-participants in dispute. The mediator is completely and absolutely impartial. At first glance, his role seems to be quite passive. He behaves just like an observer. He only listens, does not criticize, does not give ideas, does not express his opinion, does not point out to the participants in the dispute the obvious solution and the outcome of the situation. The mediator asks questions, gives examples from past cases, and thus very delicately sets the right direction of the current dialogue. In fact, his role is to lead, but it is performed so as not to be visible. This article analyzes part of results obtained from a research. Subject of the research are the parents of primary school children. Goal aim of research is to study parents’ opinion on the use of mediation as a method of social work to resolve disputes between students, educators, parents. The attitude towards the mediator as a subject in the process of mediation is also examined. Mediation may not always be appropriate and effective in resolving conflicts. Often, participants in the dispute refuse to participate in a process of mediation or they agree, but fail to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile to try because the benefits are many. Mediation saves time and money in addition to the fact that both sides are quite happy with the final decision. As the decision is taken voluntarily, its implementation is facilitated because the agreement of both parties is taken. What is more, the participants themselves chose this solution and the way it is implemented. The conflict is quenched, the misunderstandings are smooth and the confidentiality of the information obtained is preserved. Good relations are maintained and conditions for a positive future communication are created. One of the obligatory conditions for the realization of the mediation process is the absolute voluntary participation of both parties. If one of the parties refuses - the process does not happen. Provided that the purpose is to punish one of the two parties and / or seek protection, the use of mediation will not be the correct and adequate response to customer needs. Another important condition is that both participants are in a position to express their will and opinion freely, assert their rights and protect their interests.


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ISBN: 978 82 7314 735 6 . Available at:




How to Cite

Dishkova, M. (2017). MEDIATION IN PRIMARY SCHOOL. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 17(1), 125–131. Retrieved from