
  • Lilia Koleva UMBALSM “Pirogov”, Sofia, Bulgaria, UMBAL “Sofiamed”
  • Anatoli Kolev Medical Faculty, Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Nadia Manolova Medical University- Sofia, Faculty of Public Health, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Kristin Nacheva Medical University- Sofia, Faculty of Public Health, Sofia, Bulgaria


pregnancy, overweight, obesity, complications, management


Overweight and obesity are becoming a serious public health concern worldwide. The prevalence of people with body mass index (BMI) above the upper limit has increased dramatically over the last decades. In parallel with these results the weight of women of gestational age increases. Consequently, the rate of overweight and obese females getting pregnant rises each year. Overweight and obesity are a risk factor for a large variety of short-term and long-term maternal and fetal complications. Increased weight in young women may cause infertility, early miscarriages, and recurrent pregnancy loss. Later pregnancy complications include pregnancy-associated high blood pressure, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, intrauterine growth restriction, preterm birth, congenital anomalies, complications during labor and delivery, and unsuccessful breastfeeding. Moreover, the evidence is growing that children born from obese mothers are at higher risk of developing susceptibility for different chronic diseases.

Based on the sparse data available about one third of women of child-bearing age are overweight or obese with the percentage varying between different ethnic and socioeconomic groups. This means that a significant part of pregnant women have a problem with their weight which puts them in a risk group for the abovementioned conditions. Also, prenatal and perinatal care for these patients is still a great challenge for obstetricians. They must find a balanced approach for managing maternal weight, fetal growth, and minimizing possible complications. Unfortunately, standard guidelines for proper management of overweight and obese women during pregnancy are still missing. This is why obstetricians need to act according to the best available evidence in order to succeed in keeping the life and health of both the mother and the baby.

Our previous study comparing normal weight pregnant females to overweight/obese ones confirmed higher risks for prenatal and perinatal complications in the second group. The results showed us the need for accurate monitoring of women with BMI above normal limit as they are considered high risk pregnancies. We would like to put light over this common medical condition and give more information about the specifics of overweight/obese pregnant women care. We are aware of the comprehensive approach needed to improve problems associated with overweight and obesity during pregnancy – physical activity, improved nutrition, physiological cancelling, and medical interventions. The aim of this paper is informing healthcare providers for the risks and possible measures that may be taken for improving the long-term health of obese women and their offspring.


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How to Cite

Koleva, L., Kolev, A., Manolova, N., & Nacheva, K. (2021). SPECIFIC CARE OF WOMEN WITH OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY DURING PREGNANCY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 47(4), 579–583. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/4822