
  • Rusanka Mancheva SWU "Neofit Rilski" Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


cyberbullying, adolescents, victima


Cyberbullying is a problem that is becoming a real part of the life of the modern adolescent. Advances in modern technology help unresolved interpersonal conflicts or broken relationships at school to be transferred to the virtual world of Cyberspace. The position of victims or abuser distributes the presence in him, and hence the experiences  and behavior of the young person. A study of 638 adolescent are 12-17 showed that only 6% of them identified themselves as victims of cyberbullying. This position brings changes in their sleep and diet, as well as in their Attitudes towards friends, school and their on social activity. Dominant are their experiences and effects on a physiological level, before their desire to change the situation. The results indicate the presence of post-traumatic stress disorder.


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How to Cite

Mancheva, R. (2021). PSYCHOSOMATIC AND BEHAVIORAL SHANGES IN VICTIMS OF GYBERBULLYING. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 47(5), 925–931. Retrieved from