
  • Ivana Vučinić University of Priština, Faculty of Economics, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia
  • Ester Milentijević University of Priština, Faculty of Arts, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia
  • Nataša Gvozdović Matović University of Priština, Faculty of Arts, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia


digital art, cyberspace, technology, digital culture, students


The changes that characterize the information age and whose consequences are evident in all social activities, artists have accepted through digital art as "new media". Performance in relation to which the audience reacts can be given by the artist, the digital system or the audience itself, but the digital system as a performer is a phenomenon that attracts special attention. A turning point in the art of new media is the moment in which technology has reached a stage of development that offers a new environment and opportunities for the creation of cyberspace as a contemporary space for cultural action. The process of technical - technological development and its application in all areas is extremely important, because it leads to redefining the function of many activities, in this case especially art, which gained a new dimension and significance in the cultural and social field. Technology today allows users to create an internet environment for the realization of virtual content and community, while digital space creates opportunities for cultural expression and freedom of artistic creation. Contemporary art as a social practice, led by social rather than aesthetic criteria, opposes the autonomy of art. There are transparent and permeable boundaries between art theory and culture theory, with art transforming into culture and culture into art. The digital culture from which "new media" art originates influences the formation of material and technological conditions for the development of a new "layer of reality" in which real-time artistic performance within the digital system is in force. It is the performance of the main performer - the digital system, viewed on an equal footing with the human performer and which does not require but allows human co - performance. The functioning of digital art is based on the contribution of a large number of participants who are, most often, in different remote locations, which enables overcoming spatial barriers. Examples of digital performing practices are increasing and expressed daily basis through internet theater, fractal images, 3D images, computer-aided animations, digital landscapes, the universe in augmented virtual reality, making this art form cover many artistic disciplines with poetry, such as video, film, television , live performances, and even literature. The achieved degree of digitalization and living conditions during the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus indicate a new role of technology, as a performing entity, and a change in the relationship between machine and man. The role of the artist as an author has changed significantly, because in digital art he appears as the initiator of the concept, but with limited control over the final realization. The aim of the authors is to present potentials and limitations of the application of digital art, through the interviews of students of the Faculty of Arts in Kosovska Mitrovica, while analyzing their attitudes and awareness of this social practice.awareness of this social practice


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How to Cite

Vučinić, I., Milentijević, E., & Gvozdović Matović, N. (2021). DIGITAL ART IN THE AGE OF DIGITAL CULTURE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 48(4), 669–674. Retrieved from