
  • Anđelka Tripković University of Priština, Faculty of Economics, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia
  • Ivana Vučinić University of Priština, Faculty of Economics, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia
  • Ljiljana Arsić University of Priština, Faculty of Economics, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia


online teaching, COVID-19, information and communication technologies, digital literacy, Faculty of Economics


In the past two desades, we have witnesses numerous changes that are a consequence of the expansive development of technology. Namely, information and communication technologies are present in all spheres of modern human life, starting with the way in which one communicates, works and thinks. The inevitable growth and development of digitalization has led to great innovations in education at all levels. It is indisputable that today the importance of pedagogical technology is increasingly emphasized, which is a challenge for students, but also for teachers and professors. The pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus has led to crucial changes in teaching at all levels. With the declaration of the state of emergency in March 2020, the educational process was facing great challenges both in the world and in the Republic of Serbia. These challenges are primarily related to changes in the teaching process, and that through the introduction and mastering of information and communication literacy of teaching staff and students as one of the preconditions for the development of online teaching. The path of organizing modern teaching in the Republic of Serbia required flexibility and speed, but despite all obstacles, only two months after the beginning of the pandemic, the curriculum is being digitized. The pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus has imposed the need to improve a number of methods that will enable the successful implementation of "distance learning". Online teaching is the basis for the development of digital literacy, which has become a feature of the teaching process in the past two years. In this regard, students need teacher moderators who will enable them to use digital tools and information in order to perform their tasks in a timely manner in an online environment. All of the above has led to all participants in the educational process being at the turning point in the transformation of the traditional form of teaching into extracurricular activities that are realized through virtual platforms.

The aim of this paper is to determine the satisfaction, as well as dissatisfaction with online teaching of students and professors of the University of Priština, Faculty of Economics, Kosovska Mitrovica. Online teaching brings through the difficulties in which the professors and students of the mentioned Faculty carry the largest part of the burden. However, by applying an interactive form of communication between professors and students, which is reflected in the use of the Internet and digital platforms, a more comprehensive, active and productive education can be achieved, which is the primary task of any educational process.


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How to Cite

Tripković, A., Vučinić, I., & Arsić, L. (2021). COVID-19 AND EDUCATION: PROBLEMS OF ONLINE TEACHING. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(2), 263–268. Retrieved from