
  • Tamara Adjiska Faculty of medical sciences, University "Goce Delchev", Shtip, N. Macedonia


multiple sclerosls, physiotherapy, myofascial techniques, autogenic training


Multiple sclerosis (MS) occurs most frequently in "young adults" and affects the most actiVe part of their lives. In recent years,have been done a lot of researches on the origins,development and correct its alternative treatment,but without clearly defined outcomes for any of the three. Kinesltherapy is one of the main methods of modern medicire to maintain health status of patients with MS. The purpose of this study was to track the performance of the combination of routine methods of kines1therapy (CT) with myofascial techniques (MFT) and autogenic training (AT) in patients with MS. Materials and methods: 3 women were traced and 2 men with clinically proved multiple sclerosis in almost the same stage of development. The therapeutic complex includes ionophoresis, electro, myofascial techniques, exercises for upper and lower limb, exercise in suspension, special exercises for coordination and balance, autogenic training by Schultz. The results after 15 day course of treatment showed improvement of gait and coordination (reducing the footprint and the elimination of any aids),reduce fatigue and optimize the psycho-emotional status (verified by test self-esteem, mood and activity). Discussion: Applications of our methodology leads to suppression of pathological models and building new, increased physical activity and functional status scale of Kurtzke. Conclusion: Despite the small number of subjects, we recommend the Inclusion of manual mvofascial techniques and autogenic training methods In routine KT In patients with multiple sclerosis.


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How to Cite

Adjiska, T. (2021). PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC METHODOLOGY FOR PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 49(4), 817–819. Retrieved from