
  • Svetlana Trajković Academy of Technical-Educational Vocational Studies in Nis, Serbia
  • Branislav Stanisavljević Academy of Technical-Educational Vocational Studies in Nis, Serbia
  • Ljiljana Stošić Mihajlović Academy of Technical-Educational Vocational Studies in Nis, Serbia


productivity, motivation, organization, business environment


Employee motivation is the most important element of a modern business organization and a key factor that contributes to employee productivity. Employee motivation is closely related to the immediate work environment of employees in the organization, as well as to all the functions that the organization performs in order to achieve its organizational goals. The biggest challenge of this research is to show that money as one of the main external factors, without some internalizing experience of self-efficacy, cannot be the only and sufficient factor of employee motivation. Employees can be motivated exclusively by material and status aspects, however, if the working conditions themselves and individual differences are not taken into account, it is unlikely that, in the long run, positive motivational effects will be achieved. This is one of the questions that will be answered by using a structured questionnaire. The key problem or broader subject of research in this paper is precisely motivation, ie its role and significance in the modern business environment. The narrower subject of the research is the direct and indirect influence of internal (internal) and external (external) motivation on the productivity in the work of employees and their job satisfaction. From the basic methods, analytical and synthetic methods will be used. Comparative (comparative) method, hypothetical-deductive method, as well as statistical method will be used by general scientific methods. From the methods and techniques of data collection, the analysis of the content of primary and secondary sources, statistical methods, the method of interviews and questionnaires will be used. The relevance of the subject of research and the set hypotheses is evidenced by numerous researches on the topic of the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation or measuring job satisfaction among employees. in order for the employee to feel sufficiently motivated to work, it is important that the organization has a consistent system of values and rules, which are clearly declared and adhered to by all employees. Nowadays, the requirements of the job have changed, efficiency is valued and how much the organization is aware of the need to constantly adapt and change, in accordance with the requirements of modern society. It is not enough just to be ready for change, it is important that we recognize different types of corporate cultures in corporations and notice their advantages and disadvantages. The ruling culture in organizations can be crucial for solving many problems and most often one of the causes of reduced productivity of its employees. Sharing a common value system helps employees to understand each other better, to feel strong cohesion towards their team and to be more open in resolving conflicts. Recognizing the abilities that the employee possesses and properly channeling them in order to improve his work performance and performance, can, at the same time, have a positive effect on internal motivation. This is exactly what the research wants to show.


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How to Cite

Trajković, S., Stanisavljević, B., & Stošić Mihajlović, L. (2021). THE INFLUENCE OF MOTIVATION ON WORKER PRODUCTIVITY AND JOB SATISFACTION. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 45(1), 151–156. Retrieved from

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