clinical simulations, students, nurses, midwives, satisfaction, self-efficacyAbstract
Modern education in the field of healthcare is designed to prepare professionals who are within the framework of modern healthcare and is in line with global and European processes and values. Clinical simulations are widely used worldwide and are directly related to the recommendations of the World Health Organization to provide safer care for patients in nursing and midwifery training. Concerns about patient safety during nursing and midwifery training require complementing traditional teaching methods and validating clinical simulations as an educational intervention in medical education. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of the application of clinical simulations, such as educational technology, to improve student satisfaction and increase efficiency in medical education. The research methodology includes conducting a longitudinal design experiment. The parameters of change after the application of clinical simulations in training were experimentally monitored. Third- and fourth-year Nurse students at Neofit Rilski Southwestern University were randomized to participate in the experiment. Results. The data show a statistically significant increase in the results of the experimental group after the impact in terms of satisfaction with the simulation experience. Students who have passed the simulation program define the simulation as a valuable learning experience. This learning experience helps them focus on their clinical skills, makes them experiment and apply what they have learned so far. The respondents show a high level of self-efficacy and educational efficiency. This gives them confidence that they can achieve the goals they have set and to be more persistent in learning. Conclusion. Simulation-based learning is proving to be an effective tool for providing real experience to students and improving their clinical skills. The values of the respondents after conducting the experiment demonstrate a high level of satisfaction with simulation experience and high academic efficiency. These results are related to the application of clinical simulations as an educational technology. The use of clinical simulations increases student satisfaction. The use of clinical simulations promotes self-efficacy and educational effectiveness in medical education. Using simulations could open up opportunities to rethink the existing gap between theory and practice.
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