
  • Mariana Bacheva Southwestern University “Neofit Rilski”, Bulgaria
  • Stanislava Stoyanova Southwestern University “Neofit Rilski”, Bulgaria


adaptation, validity, clinical competence, nurses, midwives


In recent years, there has been a growing global interest in studying the competencies of nurses and midwives. As a result, various instruments and scales have been developed to measure the clinical competence of these professionals. However, in the Bulgarian context, such an instruments is lacking, which necessitates the need for adapting a similar tool for the needs of nursing and midwifery students in Bulgaria. In this study, our aim is to present the adaptation of one of these instruments, focused on measuring self- assessment of students regarding their clinical competence. The goal of the research is to adapt the Clinical Competence Questionnaire (CCQ) by Liou and Cheng (2014). The empirical study involves validating through factor analysis. The results confirm the acceptability of the factor model, demonstrating its compatibility and ability to explain variability in responses to the Clinical Competence Questionnaire. This supports the validity of the adapted instrument and its ability to measure the perceived clinical competence of nursing and midwifery students. The questionnaire is applicable and valid for measuring the clinical competence of nurses and midwives. The study supports the validity and reliability of the questionnaire.


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How to Cite

Bacheva, M., & Stoyanova, S. (2023). ADAPTATION AND VALIDATION OF A CLINICAL COMPETENCE QUESTIONNAIRE & RESULTS FROM AN EMPIRICAL STUDY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 58(4), 603–610. Retrieved from