
  • Stefka Stoilova DCC "St. George" Plovdiv, Republic of Bulgaria
  • Daniela Taneva Medical University of Plovdiv, Republic of Bulgaria
  • Mariela Geneva-Popova Medical University of Plovdiv, Republic of Bulgaria


nurse, inflammatory joint diseases, rheumatological care, biological agents


The rapid development of rheumatology over the last 10 years has affected the behavior and care provided by medical professionals serving patients with rheumatic diseases. The long-term prognosis of chronic inflammatory diseases improves after the discovery of highly effective drugs, such as biologics. The health care provided by a rheumatology nurse is developing against the background of the increased need for monitoring of patients in outpatient practices, as well as the growing standard of education and experience of rheumatology nurses. The functions and organization of the work of nurses are significantly influenced by modern trends in the development of nursing. In performing their duties, the roles, tasks and qualifications of nurses should be clearly described in practice frameworks that include protocols and recommendations that guarantee quality health care provided. Nursing activities include physical care, education, and patient counseling. , monitoring of medication intake and coordination of health services, as well as assessment of diseases, providing the patient with education and information about treatment. Advanced practice in rheumatology is described as a model of care in which nurses with extended roles assume personal responsibilities for patients and perform nursing interventions that include monitoring the patient's condition, providing patient education, and providing psychosocial support. Successful management of chronic rheumatic disease requires continuous adherence to treatment, which must be integrated into a person's daily activities. To achieve the goal of treatment, specific tools are used to assess the disease. These are validated forms for assessing the patient's condition, and there are different assessment measures for the individual clinical units. The nurse working in a specialized rheumatology practice must know and master the analysis of these scales or questionnaires. Monitoring the course of the disease is associated with periodic outpatient visits, where the preparation and subsequent monitoring of the therapy of rheumatic patients is performed.


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How to Cite

Stoilova, S., Taneva, D., & Geneva-Popova, M. (2021). APPLICATION OF A MODEL OF RHEUMATOLOGICAL CARE IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATIC DISEASES BY A NURSE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 47(4), 699–704. Retrieved from