
  • Fatime Bamja University “Haxhi Zeka”, Faculty of Law, Peja, Kosovo


juvenile, juvenile delinquency, juvenile protection, delinquent behavior


The object of research and study of this paper is related to the treatment and analysis of issues related to
the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency. Juvenile criminality is a complex social phenomenon, the recognition of
which requires a more in-depth scientific treatment. Historically, juvenile delinquency has existed since the
existence of human society and represents a crucial social problem, which in some countries has conferred less, and
in some countries more. The criminality of minors nowadays is a worrying, dangerous and adverse phenomenon, not
only for Albanian society but for the whole world society. In general, by juvenile delinquency, we mean all illegal
and antisocial behavior of juveniles. Juvenile delinquent behaviors usually begin to appear at the age of puberty,
with numerous antisocial behaviors and reactions. It is necessary at this stage to take the necessary measures to deal
with these behaviors because we will have a continuous increase in these anti-social behaviors. The increase in
juvenile delinquency in a society depends on several factors, such as economic, social, and cultural factors, and so
on. Rapid technical and technological development has also influenced the increase in juvenile delinquencies.
Criminal justice for minors is a very complicated field, which encompasses not only the issues of minors in conflict
with the law, but also all the preventive, protective, and rehabilitative measures that a state must undertake to
prevent this phenomenon, namely to minimize the participation of minors in criminality. Therefore, today every
state, through various institutions such as schools, families, media, and so forth undertake preventive measures as
well as repressive measures to prevent this phenomenon. However, such a process of prevention is complex and yet
a necessary process. The criminal legislation of Kosovo has adjusted the issue of juvenile delinquency through the
Juvenile Justice Code, which provides special provisions regarding their treatment. Due to the age, and failure to
achieve the proper bio-psychological development of minors, this Code foresees mitigating circumstances compared
to adults. So the goal of all democratic states is to ensure basic human rights and freedoms. Notably, special care is
given to the realization and assuring of the rights of minors, and their protection, since children are considered the
essential nucleus of any society. In general, this paper analyzes the basic notions regarding the delinquency of
minors, their criminal responsibility, the factors that influence the appearance of this phenomenon, the punishments
imposed on them, and the measures for preventing juvenile delinquency. The methods used for the realization of this
work are supported and adapted according to the nature of the research.


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How to Cite

Bamja, F. (2022). THE MAIN CONCEPTS OF JUVENILE DELINQUENCY IN THE TERRITORY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(1), 149–153. Retrieved from