
  • Fatime Bamja University “Haxhi Zeka”, Faculty of Law, Peja, Kosovo


victims, legal protection, rights, compensation


One of the main goals of each state must be to protect and secure the rights of victims of crime, as one of the most serious worldwide concerns. In earlier periods, victims have not had proper treatment, and adequate legal protection has not been offered compared to the present. The focus has been more oriented toward the perpetrator of the criminal activity. Today all local and international legislation is focused on improving the position of victims of crime, realizing it in practice, and we can say that we have a very significant improvement in the status of victims.
Kosovo legal framework in terms of protection and assistance for victims is in line with international standards. Unfortunately, a significant number of people who are victims of criminal acts in our society continue to remain dark or undiscovered, due to the impact of various factors. All competent institutions must provide dutiful, equal treatment for all victims without differences on gender, racial, social, or economic status grounds, as one of the fundamental human rights. Such treatment represents human respect and solidarity.
Cooperation between all law enforcement institutions, cooperation with citizens, and organizing self-awareness campaigns for citizens regarding the rights they belong to as a victim, the provision of proper medical care, as well as the pronunciation of the punishment deserved by the perpetrators of the criminal work, are the key elements, intending to ensure a safe society for all.
Therefore, the drafting of preventative crime policies to reduce the number of victims is necessary.
We must attempt to live the motto "Justice, dignity, and respect for victims of crime" and "Justice restores the dignity of victims” in practice. These measures must be undertaken to make sure that all victims after the act of victimization can be re-socialized, can continue their lives as independent, and protected, and return to society as active and contributing members. The realization of the rights of victims and their compensation in practice will increase their credibility and security in the bodies of justice.
The work discusses the state of the defense system and the assistance offered to victims in Kosovo, from the moment of victimization to the moment of their compensation, as well as the problems they face. The methods applied in this work are historical, descriptive, and comparative methods, which methods have been adapted to the nature of the research on this subject.


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How to Cite

Bamja, F. (2023). HELP AND LEGAL PROTECTION OF CRIME VICTIMS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 57(1), 209–213. Retrieved from