
  • Evgeniya Bratoeva University of Rousse "Angel Kanchev" – Republic of Bulgaria


alcohol, abuse, social projections


The report presents an overview of the social effects of alcohol abuse and dependence on the human
individual, family system, work and social environment. The problem of alcohol dependence is examined in several
aspects - physical health, mental well-being, longevity, family relationships and social functioning. The effect of
alcohol consumption during pregnancy on the human fetus is presented. The most severe form of manifestation of
alcohol abuse and addiction to it is analyzed - the suicide attempt and the suicidal act. The overview of the indicated
social projections of alcohol addiction allows conclusions to be drawn regarding the social functioning of the
addicted individual. Alcohol addiction has a serious impact on physical health, as the damage affects all organs and
systems, and the manifestations in individual individuals are different. Mental dependence on alcohol develops
much faster than physical dependence, and the changes in the mental functioning of the addicted individual are often
severe and irreversible. Alcohol abuse affects the dependent person's social relationships with members of the
immediate family circle, relatives, friends and neighbors. Alcohol addiction is often the cause of the breakup of
families, loss of employment, loss of property, lack of financial income, and manifestations of deviant and
delinquent behavior. The presence of an alcoholic member in the family affects the functioning of the entire family
and changes the rhythm of life of each of its members. The intake of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy leads to
different types and degrees of damage to the fetus. The results of research in various regions of the world indicate
that a significant proportion of cases of violence, traffic accidents, deviant events and suicidal acts are committed
after the use of alcohol. The above proves the social significance of alcohol addiction and its negative projections in
various aspects.


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How to Cite

Bratoeva, E. (2022). SOCIAL PROJECTIONS OF ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(1), 173–178. Retrieved from