
  • Evgeniya Bratoeva University of Rousse "Angel Kanchev" – Republic of Bulgaria


alcohol, abuse, policies, programs


The topic of the report - abuse and addiction to alcohol - has been extremely relevant in recent decades.
The purpose of the report is to outline the social significance of the problem - abuse of alcohol and addiction to it, to
present an analysis of the policies and programs of the Republic of Bulgaria, which are aimed at the risky use of
alcohol in the country. To achieve the goal, normative documents and literary sources directly related to the issue
were studied and analyzed. The results of the study show the following: 1) Globally, there is an increase in the
consumption of beverages containing alcohol and an increase in cases of alcohol addiction. 2) Abuse and
dependence on alcohol give rise to problems of a health, social and legal nature - manifestation of various diseases,
disability, psychological problems, deviant and delinquent manifestations, premature death. 3) The World Health
Organization defines alcohol as the third most important risk factor for health. 4) Larger quantities of alcohol
consumed worldwide are reported in developed countries. 5) In terms of territorial scope, the record holders for this
indicator are the countries of the European region. Bulgaria is among the countries with a high consumption of
alcoholic beverages per capita. The reasons for this are of a different nature. 6) Bulgaria has current policies and
programs aimed at limiting the risky use of alcohol. 7) A number of international and European normative acts have
been ratified in the country. 8) National normative acts and national programs aimed at reducing the risky use of
alcohol have been developed and implemented in the country. 9) In Bulgaria, the activities of numerous national
institutions and organizations are aimed at reducing the risky use of alcohol. Regardless of the current policies and
programs in the Republic of Bulgaria, the consumption of alcohol per person, compared to the total population of
the country, is one of the highest among European countries. Cases of diagnosed alcohol dependence are above the
world average. Alcohol consumption at home is the most common form, which is why many of the cases remain
hidden from official statistics. It is necessary: increasing the control of places of production and trade of alcohol;
control over the sale and serving of alcohol to persons from risk groups; control of the age limit of persons
purchasing alcohol; increased control over alcohol consumption in establishments by minors; strict parental control
over alcohol consumption by children; limiting the hours, places and methods of sale and consumption of alcohol;
increasing taxes on persons producing and selling alcohol; strict licensing of alcohol production and trade; state
monopoly on the production and trade of alcohol.


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How to Cite

Bratoeva, E. (2022). POLITICS AND PROGRAMS AIMED TO LIMIT THE RISKFUL USE OF ALCOHOL IN BULGARIA. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(1), 179–185. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5698