
  • Adriana Ivanova Primary school”Vancho Prke”, Shtip, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Vesna Nicheva Primary school”Vancho Prke”, Shtip, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Elizabeta Aleksovska Primary school”Vancho Prke”, Shtip, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Mile Aleksovski Primary school”VanchoPrke”, Shtip, Republic of North Macedonia


quality teacher, motivation, student, success


The most important factor on which the results of the educational work in the school depend is the
teacher. Shaping people has always been the most responsible and serious social task. Hence the opinion that the
teaching profession is also an exceptional and important social activity. Social expectations and demands are very
high when it comes to the teaching profession. When we talk about this topic, we notice that the teacher has a very
important role in shaping the student’s personality and all his abilities. Comparing the opinions of many authors, and
based on the research we did, we tried to give a model of a desirable teacher, a teacher who will be an example for
students in every way. He is a teacher who must be a versatile person, a person who will possess all the qualities and
characteristics that will attract the children’s attentions to imitate him and be like him tomorrow. The main task of
the school today is to motivate, to teach, but also to learn. The concept of a quality school implies high expectations
for each student and qualified teachers in each classroom, who should help all students achieve their goals. Students
success should be a measure of quality schools. Every child can succeed with quality engagement of the teachers
and the schools, because they care about the quality and improvement of their work, through continuous
development and the concept of lifelong learning. A motivated and engaged teacher motivates and engages students,
sees them as equal and is responsible for success in teaching. "The most important motive for working in school
and in life is satisfaction in the work, satisfaction with the result and knowledge of the value that has a result for
the community..." I have known children who preferred school time to vacation." said Albert Einstein. Let's identify
the potentials of all students, let's motivate, encourage and progress. "If we want to raise happy children and love
them with open hearts - we have to start from ourselves." IbnSandahl


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How to Cite

Ivanova, A., Nicheva, V., Aleksovska, E., & Aleksovski, M. (2022). WITH QUALITY TEACHERS, ALL STUDENTS CAN SUCCEED. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(2), 289–294. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5711

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