
  • Aneta Spirova OOU “Vancho Prke” – Shtip, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Vesna Nicheva OOU “Vancho Prke” – Shtip, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Elizabeta Aleksovska OOU “Vancho Prke” – Shtip, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Adriana Ivanova OOU “Vancho Prke” – Shtip, Republic of North Macedonia


mobbing, violence, people, institutions, education


A skill in every person's life is to manage to satisfy all his needs. In the family, with friends, in the environment in which he works, studies, with the people with whom he communicates daily . It would be unrealistic if we looked at all obstacles in life as something from which we will come out stronger than before. In that process of growth, the person changes, develops. A continuous process, which in an invisible way shakes all layers of the soul tissue, equally on an individual and collective level. What about those obstacles that can set us back or leave us with lasting negative consequences? That is exactly why we chose to write on the subject of "mobbing". Senseless violence that can have permanent negative consequences for the person in general, and that happens unnoticed and unsanctioned by the environment in which the person lives.
The topic of mobbing is not new or unknown in the developed world. In our society, unfortunately, mobbing is still not a subject of interest to a sufficient extent, if we take into account the gravity of the problem that it covers. This problem is present in all work organizations, not excluding the institutions where the educational process takes place. A potential basis for mobbing is an unresolved conflict between co-workers which results in a disruption in interpersonal relationships. It is this moment, the moment of disturbed interpersonal relations that is the cause of all further disturbances. Positive personality development is impossible in such relationships with the people who surround us, that is why it is particularly important to talk about overcoming such phenomena in educational institutions, a place where the young person is shaped. It is of great importance for mobbing to speak publicly because one of the reasons for mobbing is the insufficiently transparent atmosphere. The fact that this problem is not talked about enough makes it even bigger than it is. Education on the topic of mobbing and awareness of the existence of this phenomenon, as well as the consequences it leaves on the person, is the key to stopping and preventing mobbing. We will talk about "mobbing" as a reality, something that happens around us, in all layers of our society.
“In the societies of the highly industrialized western world, the workplace is the only remaining “battlefield” where people can “kill” each other without running the risk of being to court”. (Hajns Leymann)


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How to Cite

Spirova, A., Nicheva, V., Aleksovska, E., & Ivanova, A. (2023). MOBBING - WHAT DO WE KNOW AND WHAT CAN WE DO?. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 61(2), 389–396. Retrieved from