
  • Zagorka Mitaseva University American College Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia


entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial competency


This study aimed to evaluate and investigate the effects of entrepreneurial education influence on
entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial competences in secondary school and high education from the
perspective of educators. Professors and teachers teach secondary education courses on innovation and
entrepreneurship such as” Innovation and Entrepreneurship “and “Business and Entrepreneurship” from the relevant
faculties, as well as instructors who have taken entrepreneurship education courses and workshops. In the survey, 32
educators participated.
Modern economies have recently defied the University of the Twenty-first Century, which views it as a catalyst for
innovation. It emphasizes that resizing education entails examining the university as a social transformation-focused
organization, exposing its interaction with society, and attempting to take on new realities. People’s ability of
researching constantly and applying the opportunities for new profitable activities on local and global market
becomes an essential need of a competitive economy. Encouraging, increasing, supporting of entrepreneurial
energies of individuals could be an elementary key to achieving bigger economic prosperity within the country and
to continue to make its economy over time. Skills and knowledge, which are developed through coaching and
education, are one among the few fields during which a society will produce competitive advantage. The importance
of entrepreneurial education arise the importance of the entrepreneur throughout economic system. The role of
entrepreneurial education implies a system that develops and implies an individual's ability to be versatile to develop
capacity for recognizing opportunities and networking that it is a system which ensures that these skills are in line
with the requirements of business and economic process of the country. This education includes taking
responsibility for one's own actions, positive or negative, developing strategic visions, setting goals and achieving
them, the ability to arrange and manage comes additionally as motivation for success. The development of these
characteristics encourages the person not only in private life and social interactions, but also in school, at the
workplace, allows becoming aware of the context of profession and able to make the best use of the presented
opportunities. Promoting and supporting the entrepreneurial spirit and providing a positive environment that
underpins entrepreneurship, therefore, become the primary responsibility of the educational system as a whole.
Entrepreneurial learning can be understood more as a social phenomenon that affects our daily lives as a whole also
as a key competence relevant to the lifelong learning process, in all forms of education and training (formal and
informal) that contribute to entrepreneurial spirit or behavior, with or without a commercial purpose.
Findings suggest that entrepreneurial education have positive effect on the development of self-efficacy and
personal competency, which, in turn, are crucial in generating socially desirable outcomes within the context of
social life of an individual.


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How to Cite

Mitaseva, Z. (2022). ENTREPRENEURIAL EDUCATION INFLUENCE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SELF-EFFICACY AND PERSONAL COMPETENCY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(6), 1181–1185. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5844