
  • Zagorka Mitaseva University American College Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia


entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, learning programs, GUESSS


This study aimed to evaluate and investigate the transformative effects of entrepreneurial education within university learning programs, focusing specifically on its impact on entrepreneurial self-efficacy. As society continues to emphasize the importance of fostering an entrepreneurial mindset, understanding the mechanisms through which education influences self-efficacy becomes paramount. This research seeks to elucidate these connections, contributing valuable insights to the intersection of education and entrepreneurial development. Through an exploration of key concepts and empirical findings, this paper aims to highlight it the transformative potential of entrepreneurial education in enhancing students' belief in their ability to succeed in entrepreneurial endeavors.
The research instrument and sample selection were derived from the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students (GUESSS), a global academic survey investigating entrepreneurial activities and associated attributes among university students. The survey data utilized in this study was sourced from the 2021 edition of GUESSS and involved a sample of 176 students drawn from three universities within the Republic of North Macedonia. The data collection, storage, and preparation processes were executed by the responsible GUESSS team (GUESSS, 2021).
The findings of this study reveal noteworthy outcomes concerning the impact of entrepreneurial education within university learning programs on entrepreneurial self-efficacy. On one hand, the research identified a substantial influence of the entrepreneurial program on enhancing entrepreneurial self-efficacy, specifically through heightened comprehension of entrepreneurial attitudes, values, and motivations. Additionally, an increased understanding of the requisite actions for initiating a business was observed. On the other hand, the investigation noted that the course and program exerted a positive influence on practical management skills, the capacity to cultivate networks, and the ability to identify opportunities among participating students.
Research findings on entrepreneurship education provide significant implications for practitioners, particularly regarding curriculum design and teaching methodologies particularly in the way they influence entrepreneurial self-efficacy among students. The insights gained from this study contribute to an understanding of how teaching can be strategically organized and how educators can be effectively trained to develop and implement relevant entrepreneurial offerings. Given the significant investment of time and resources associated with promoting and implementing entrepreneurship programs, a critical evaluation of the current knowledge base regarding the various outcomes of entrepreneurship education is imperative. This assessment not only informs future research endeavors, but also serves as a valuable benchmark for practitioners in the field. Moreover, the insights gained from the study inform the design of reward and motivation systems, not only in the context of entrepreneurial learning programs, but also within universities as key agents driving contemporary entrepreneurial activities. Such insights are crucial for predicting and recognizing the long-term outcomes of entrepreneurial ventures initiated in academia.


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