
  • Ventsislav Petrov College of Pedagogy – Pleven, University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


music, music education, information age, information and communication technologies, information environment


The process of informatization of education is currently in a stage of intensive growth. With the general
process of social informatization, new information technologies are increasingly applied in the educational process of
teaching various subjects. Today's educational science is facing the phenomenon of digitalization of education, which
can become the necessary motivation for modern students to engage in various educational activities. Hence,
educational institutions are tasked with finding new teaching techniques to optimize the educational process.
The dynamic times in which we live and the ever more rapidly developing modern technologies are changing the
directions of development in every sphere in society. The use of information technology is also having a huge impact
on education in the 21st century.
With the speed at which information and communication technologies are developing, the education system is faced
with an important task of educating today's young people to have critical thinking skills in a rapidly evolving
information environment.
In this regard, the issue of the use and participation of modern information technology and its place in music
education is of utmost importance. Forms of learning have changed irrevocably at all stages, from pre-school to
higher education.
The technical means that are present in the everyday life of modern students lead to the introduction of new
technologies in their music education. As for the information network and computer technologies currently used by
young people, it is already difficult to cover all the issues that are addressed in a large number of developments.
The modern system of general secondary education, including all areas of study within it, is in any case designed to
develop students' information processing skills. Of course, this issue is not only aimed at the ability of pupils and
students, but also represents a general education and a general process of cultural globalization, which has become the
mainstay of professional activities in the information society.
In this paper, the experiences and work in using modern technology in music education are discussed.


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How to Cite

Petrov, V. (2023). MUSIC EDUCATION IN THE INFORMATION AGE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 56(2), 189–193. Retrieved from