
  • Ventsislav Petrov College of Pedagogy – Pleven, University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


music education, preschool education, emotionality, musical ability


The whole philosophy of life is summed up in a few words. They speak of the exceptional importance of
childhood, of its mission in life, of the significance it will have in every plane of the future development of the
One of the important tasks facing educators is the discovery of talented children and the development of their talents.
Between his fifth and seventh years, the child is endowed with amazing capacities for the perception of knowledge.
Pre-school age is a good time to start musical instrument training, because there is no other profession that requires
such a long early preparation for a future career. Certainly music cannot be a profession for all, but it is a thing of
beauty, and as such, should touch children with its most wonderful specimens.
Critical assessments of music education in general and preschool education in particular are many and varied. Much
of the listening works are intended for adults. No less a problem is the misunderstood freedom of choice.
The integrative approach, in turn, often turns the pedagogical situation into an improbable hodgepodge of unidentified
parts on the tortured body of music. Dissolution - if it exists - exists fictitiously.
The intonation bothers almost no one. The expanding volume of children's voices - not to speak of at all. Note literacy
is totally denied and anathematized.
Developing children's musicality in general, attention should be paid to three large groups of abilities - musicalauditory,
musical-intellectual (musical memory, thinking, imagination) and musical responsiveness.
Musical activities should be aimed at developing the child's emotionality and intelligence, and getting him to look for
these traits in others.
In developing the child personally, it should not be forgotten that he is a unique individual. It is the teacher's task to
assist his development so that he may unfold in harmonious unity with the world. This requires an individual
approach to each child.
In this article we will pay attention to the emotionality that music creates in the education of preschool children.


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How to Cite

Petrov, V. (2023). EMOTIONALITY AND MUSIC IN THE EDUCATION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 56(2), 199–204. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/5909