
  • Rositsa Dimkova "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


attitudes, activities, physical activity, sport, free time


The activities of adolescents outside of school time are an important socializing factor. The priority of the
whole society should be to engage children's free time with activities useful for their formation and development.
The increasing dependence on social networks and technology in modern life directs our attention more and more to
the search different opportunities for physical activity and sports and at the same time reducing the negative
consequences of the immobilization of young people. Making sense of free time through extracurricular sports is a
positive preventive policy of every school, to build competences for a fulfilling lifestyle and limit the risky
behaviors of students. At school age, the foundations of those personal qualities are built, which are necessary for
building habits and creating a lasting interest in systematic pursuits with physical activities. Important factors for the
formation of the student's personality are the psychophysical condition of the children, the development of their
motor activity, as well as the interaction with the environment. The main emphasis on the formation is also
influenced by the health status of the students, which is a symbiosis of good physical development and social wellbeing.
In contrast to good physical health, overweight, social isolation, as well as risky behaviors can have a
detrimental effect on adolescents. The lack of demandingness, the low involvement of children in the educational
process and the low requirements for the formative effect of physical education can lead to many negative
Current trends in education make it necessary to search for innovative forms and methods of work that can solve the
complex tasks of forming the physical and cognitive activity of children, as well as creating a healthy model of
behavior. This fact is a sufficient prerequisite for a purposeful and responsible work of school-age teachers. The aim
of the pedagogical research is to study the students' attitude towards sports during their free time. The tasks are: 1.
To explore the interests of the students during their free time. 2. To establish the students' attitude towards sports
during their free time. Time spent in sports activities in and out of school has a beneficial impact on health and
education, and we call for this impact to be increased. The modern teacher must know how to support and guide
students through the learning process. The teacher - pedagogue in the modern education system sets goals,
organizes, manages, monitors and builds relationships with all members of the school community. In this we find
the need to highlight the leadership strategies that a teacher should possess. The successful pedagogue in education
creates a stimulating work environment, supports all learners, ensures their commitment to higher goals and creates
conditions for the development of their potential.


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How to Cite

Dimkova, R. (2023). STUDY OF STUDENTS ATTITUDE ABOUT SPORTS ACTIVITIES DURING FREE TIME. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 56(2), 211–217. Retrieved from