
  • Milorad Stanić Serbian Education Center „Nikola Tesla“, Primary School in Segedin, Hungary
  • Veselin Buncić The College of Pre-school Teacher Training in Subotica, Serbia
  • Gordana Mijailović, Primary school „Vuk Karadzic“ in Lipnica


Schultz’s theory, school in nature, school plan


The idea of organizing a „school in nature“ is not new. The organization of a school in nature is regulated by legal procedures. This paper will explain how the school in nature is organized from the aspect of Schultz’s theory. Bearing in mind that the school in nature must be planned by the primary school, this planning will be compared with the planning in Schultz’s theory. Based on this the school in nature is not an ordinary tourist trip but ambient learning, which is becoming more and more important, primarily because of the possible integration with other subjects. In this paper the integrative teaching won’t be discussed. This paper will explain the very organization of the school in nature with all democratic principles, so that all actors are informed and that everyone gives their opinion and consent. No other learning theories will be compared to Schultz's learning theory. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the best possible organization of the school in nature, so that all actors of the educational process are satisfied (parents, students, teachers, representatives of the law, as well as extracurricular organizers - tourist organizations, hotels). It will also compare the way in which the school in nature is organized in Serbian schools in Hungary. The primary school principals, primary class teachers and fourth grade students of several primary schools will be interviewed regarding the proposed place for organizing the school in nature as well as the plan of the school in nature. This paper will analyze the extent to which Schultz’s theory of learning has been applied in organizing a school in nature.


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How to Cite

Stanić, M., Buncić, V., & Mijailović, G. (2023). THE „SCHOOL IN NATURE“ FROM THE ASPECT OF SCHULTZ’S THEORY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 57(2), 279–285. Retrieved from