
  • Milorad Stanic Serbian kindergarten, primary school, gymnasium, Nikola Tesla College and Library,Primary school in Szeged
  • Tijana Stefanović High School of Economics, Loznica, Serbia


information technology, modern school, educational process, perception, educational concept


New technologies in education represent a challenge and should be in the function of learning. The current generation of students, already starting school, have a different perception of learning compared to the generations thirty or more years ago. The modern school must accept new scientific achievements in the field of information technologies in order to learn as efficiently as possible. Teachers should not think that they will be excluded from the educational process because regardless of innovations, they are necessary in the teaching process. New technologies have irreversibly initiated the process of changes in education. There is a lot of thinking about new educational concepts and strategies. Contemporary education is constantly changing under the influence of digital transformation, which includes the development and integration of new technological tools and resources in classrooms. In this era of digital revolution, there are profound changes in the way education is shaped and delivered. With the advent of technological innovations such as interactive e-textbooks, distance learning, virtual reality and others, educational institutions are faced with the challenge of how best to use these resources to improve the quality of education and prepare students for the future. Modern society is in the era of digital revolution and rapid technological progress. These rapid changes are having a profound impact on all aspects of our lives, including education. In the modern education system, the use of new technologies becomes an essential element that shapes the way in which learning is continued. This represents both an advantage and a challenge, and if it brings many perspectives for the improvement of the educational process, it also faces numerous problems that need to be overcome. The paper will present the views and opinions of teachers from urban and rural areas regarding the acceptance of new technologies in education, primarily the possibilities of schools, as well as the motivation of teachers. Attitudes and opinions will be examined with a questionnaire.


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How to Cite

Stanic, M., & Stefanović, T. (2024). NEW EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE FUNCTION OF LEARNING. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 63(2), 229–233. Retrieved from