empathy, social competence, emotional competence, cultural competence, design thinkingAbstract
Empathy is a complex personality ability that expresses an understanding of the emotions of others without mixing them with one's own emotions. This skill is considered an essential aspect of human relationships and plays a crucial role in defining interpersonal relationships and comprehension. According to modern research, empathy is a complex cognitive-emotional function expressed in the ability to understand, realize and feel with others rather than just the ability to put oneself in another's position. However, empathy is to comprehend the context and perspective of others and to form an emotional bond with them. As a consequence, empathy is crucial in both interpersonal and professional interactions. Empathy is a social skill that may improve teamwork, communication, and conflict resolution. It can also lead to more successful leadership. Emotional, cognitive, and cultural empathy are the three subtypes of empathy. It is commonly believed that empathy is primarily defined by its emotive expression, but the cognitive component is essential in shaping an empathic response. It is commonly believed that empathy is primarily defined by its emotive expression, but the cognitive component is essential in shaping an empathic response. The referred to cultural empathy of contemporary society is an ability to comprehend and tolerate differences. In an increasingly interconnected and multicultural society, this skill is essential for the development of the individual.
This study analyses the significance of empathic development in middle childhood, which corresponds to the elementary school years. Examples of the educational benefits of developing empathy at this age are provided. The significance of each type of empathy for the growth of emotional, social, and cultural competencies has been demonstrated. The article discusses effective models for fostering empathy through elementary school education. Emphasis is placed on design thinking as an educated perspective. The possibilities of this educational approach for developing empathy are examined. The specifics of the application of the approach in primary school with a view to developing different types of empathy are indicated.
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