
  • Bojan Prlinčević Kosovo and Metohija Academy of Applied Studies, Leposavić, Serbia
  • Zoran Milivojević Academy of Technical and Educational Studies, Niš, Serbia
  • Vesna Simović Kosovo and Metohija Academy of Applied Studies, Leposavić, Serbia


fundamental frequency, emotion, emotional state, confusion matrix


In this paper, the emotional state (normal state and anxiety state) of the speaker was detected using speech analysis. In the first part of the paper, an algorithm for evaluating the emotion from the speech is described, which is based on the analysis of the trajectory fundamental frequency F0. At first, the algorithm for determining the criteria, i.e. the decision line, in planes is described (F0, 2) and (F0, T). In the first phase of the training, based on the test signals, the decision criterion for the detection of the emotion (Normal/Anxiety) was defined. The second part of the paper describes an experiment in which a statistical assessment of the accuracy of classifications of the speaker's emotion was performed. In the paper, the confusion matrix was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the emotion assessment (TP, TN, FP, FN and ACC). In order to achieve greater efficiency in the assessment of emotion, the confusion matrix was applied to the results obtained by applying the logical operation on the results obtained in both fields of decision-making. Based on the detection precision parameters, a comparative analysis was performed with the results obtained for the detection of the emotion Normal/Anger. The experimental results are presented tabularly and graphically.


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How to Cite

Prlinčević, B., Milivojević, Z., & Simović, V. (2023). ESTIMATION OF EMOTIONS NORMAL/ANXIETY BY FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY TRAJECTORY ANALYSIS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 58(3), 495–500. Retrieved from

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