
  • Duda Balje University Educons, Serbia



management, human resources management, business intelligence


This paper will present the results of the research of relevant literature and research conducted in the practice of small and medium-sized enterprises with the aim of examining the possibilities of applying business intelligence and the impact of human resource management on the improvement of business operations. Companies today, in the conditions of increasing competition, have a complex task of how to survive in the global market and maintain a competitive advantage. In their business, companies are faced with huge amounts of data that they get from internal and external sources and have a huge problem of how to choose and extract from that huge amount of data the ones they need for business. In this sense, companies are increasingly turning to the use of modern information and communication technologies for the purpose of processing large amounts of data, and are especially based on the application of business intelligence and the methods, techniques and tools that this sophisticated technology provides. During the implementation of this research, professional literature, scientific articles, domestic and above all foreign eminent experts were studied, as well as the latest works published on the Internet in the field of business intelligence and human resource management. The goal of this research paper is to present and compare different theories of business intelligence and the impact that human resources can have in business, as well as to present the specifics of business intelligence application, potential costs, risks and benefits that you can expect from the introduction of such a system. In this research work, the problem of effective application of business intelligent systems will be investigated, as well as the critical factors that influence the successful application of these technologies, with a special emphasis on the influence of human resources, methodological approach, through research and studious analysis of the latest scientific research in this field applied, how in theory as well as in practice. The paper will present the results of how the application of business intelligence methods and tools contributes to more efficient operations of small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, the paper will present the results of a practical example in the practice of a company that is in the process of introducing a business intelligence system, and the way of implementing the decision. The results of the research provide important information for certain companies, as well as managers and providers of IT solutions in search of greater, more efficient and continuous application of business intelligence systems. In order to confirm the theoretical results, research was conducted with semi-structured interviews, detailed conversations with key users of the business intelligence system. When looking at the organizational characteristics of the company and the business environment of using the business intelligence system, we primarily focus on the elements that, along with the considered characteristics of business intelligence and human resources, emphasize their strategic importance for small and medium-sized companies, the size of the company (eg: strategic direction, achieving corporate goals and the company's focus on its clients).


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How to Cite

Balje, D. (2023). HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 60(1), 101–106.