
  • Slavica Nedelkova Municipal Primary School “Goce Delcev” Shtip, North Macedonia
  • Emilija Petrova Municipal Primary School “Goce Delcev” Shtip, North Macedonia


gifted students, forms of work, pedagogical guidance


Giftedness is an inexhaustible topic for continued research and study. Many scientists, psychologists and pedagogues who are interested in and study this topic, focus on the school as one of the important factors for identifying, supporting and developing gifted students. They consider the school as an environment that stimulates and motivates them in the development of their potential. Also, the school is required to develop a system of measures that will ensure the specific educational needs of gifted students are met.
With this paper, we want to highlight and recall the forms of working with gifted students that teachers can and should apply in their schools and their classrooms.
The school as a basic institution for education and upbringing, is an environment in which a free, creative, humane and democratic person should develop.
Modern schools, “new schools”, and “schools tailored to children” should provide opportunities for the development of the individual potential of gifted students.
In order for the school to be an environment where giftedness will be discovered, nurtured and developed in addition to the material and technical conditions, and pedagogical and psychological support, it is necessary to apply modern methods, techniques and forms for working with such students. In the process of creating a stimulating and adequate environment for gifted students, very important elements are the competencies of teachers working with gifted students, as well as pedagogical-didactic methods and strategies for working with gifted students.


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How to Cite

Nedelkova, S., & Petrova, E. (2023). FORMS AND METHODS OF WORKING WITH GIFTED STUDENTS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 60(2), 263–268. Retrieved from