
  • Slavica Pilatova PMS ,, Goce Delchev”- Shtip, North Macedonia
  • Emilija Petrova PMS ,, Goce Delchev”- Shtip , North Macedonia


organizational climate, influencing factors


The school climate represents the working atmosphere in the school, the material and technical conditions
and the correlation of all factors in the educational process.Whether there will be a positive or negative school
climate depends on many factors and of course it affects everyone who is directly or indirectly connected to the
school: teachers, students, parents, etc.The school climate is difficult to define and measure because it represents the
feeling of everyone who enters the school.
It represents the school spirit, school belonging and is expressed through values, human interpersonal relations,
norms and emotions.The school climate is, in fact, a reflection of the school culture. If culture is a collective
phenomenon, school climate is an individual phenomenon.
The goal of this research is to get data from the teachers and to assess the factors that shape the good school climate
in the school.
In this research it was used a survey instrument (shown in the attachment) in form of a scale of opinions and views
containing 7 given statements where the respondents can give assessment from 1 to 3 for each statement (to circle
one of the numbers 1, 2 and 3) with the meaning: 1 – Disagree, 2 – Partially agree and 3 – Agree.


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Година 50. Број 1. Јун 2018.113–134. ISSN 0579-6431. Београд




How to Cite

Pilatova, S., & Petrova, E. (2022). INFLUENCING FACTORS ON GOOD SCHOOL CLIMATE IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOLS. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 55(2), 309–313. Retrieved from

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