
  • Sanja Adjaip-Veliĉkovski International Balkan University, Skopje, North Macedonia
  • Sauda Nurković International Balkan University, Skopje, North Macedonia


author, reader, book, communication model


Digital technologies have infiltrated all the aspects of our everyday lives, and that we increasingly see the analog technologies taking a step back in retreat, and causing changes within the way we relate to books and reading generally. With personal computers, and e-readers like Kindle, likewise like the ever-larger screens on our digital phones, there's a tangible trend today towards accepting the digital screen because the medium where we do our reading. Digital is thus becoming the medium through which we see, understand, and interact with the globe. it's almost because the Marshal McLuhan‟s prophecy come true, we already communicate, consume culture, and „make‟ friends, etc. through the PC and also the Internet, using these technologies, as they were extensions of ourselves.
The possibility of addressing, and considering, the connection between the author and the reader as a special communication model, and accordingly the attempt to examine that connections between the writer as the author, and the reader as a user, regardless of the medium the text is presented, is the purpose of this paper. It is important to point out here, that in this type of communication model there is a need for consideration of the existence of a field of experience(in the model), which could be seen as based on the symbiotic and experiential harmony between the two communicators, in this case, between the author and the reader (user), in which the meanings of the separate processes are overlapping.


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How to Cite

Adjaip-Veliĉkovski, S., & Nurković, S. (2020). A COMMUNICATION MODEL OF AUTHOR-READER RELATIONSHIP. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 40(6), 1031–1036. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/6551