
  • Vesna Korunovska Customs Administration of the Republic of North Macedonia


Finance, planning, budget, capital, profitability, enterprise, structure


Financial planning is the process of estimating the necessary capital of a company and determining its purpose. It is the process of framing financial policies in relation to procurement, investment and administration of funds in an enterprise.
Financial planning as part of the financial strategy means forecasting, directing, coordinating and pre-calculated deployment of the elements of the financial functions in the enterprise. Therefore, financial planning differs from the concept of accounting planning, budgeting and business plan of the enterprise. It primarily refers to the planning of financial flows and structures, and the financial plan represents a kind of compass, without which the financial decision-makers and functions in the company would not be able to perform their tasks with quality. Financial decisions made by managers refer to the collection of finance from various sources that will depend on the decision on the type of source, the period of financing, the costs of financing and the returns from that activity.
The purpose of financial planning is to ensure the optimization of the asset structure, liquidity and sources of funds, to ensure rational financing with adequate liquidity and to achieve profitability that will serve to increase the capital, that is, strengthen the financial strength of the enterprise.
Adequate systems for financial management and control are established when the management structure plans and organizes the operation in a way that provides reasonable assurance that it successfully manages the risks and in achieving the objectives, budget funds (including all sources of financing) are used correctly, ethically, economical, efficient and effective.
Simply put, financial planning as part of financial management is a system in which the financial effects of the company's operations are directed and controlled to support the realization of the set goals.
Managers at all levels of management must be aware that by managing, and by making decisions, they cause financial implications, which sooner or later become visible and that they are responsible for them and thus also responsible for financial management and control. That is why it is important that managers, respectively planners, have clearly defined goals and performance indicators for the achievement of goals, including financial parameters.


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How to Cite

Korunovska, V. (2024). FINANCIAL PLANNING AS AN INSTRUMENT FOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IN THE COMPANY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 63(1), 79–83. Retrieved from

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