
  • Petar Bogojeski Ministry of Defense of the Republic of North Macedonia
  • Vesna Korunovska Customs Administration of the Republic of North Macedonia


entrepreneurship, public entrepreneurship, public sector, administration, development, innovations


As a field of study, entrepreneurship has become a prominent discipline in today`s world, as more and more professionals are interested in understanding its challenges. It is this characteristic associated with entrepreneurship that is the subject of processing in this scientific paper, which is focused on analyzing the need for development of entrepreneurship in the public sector, trough the implementation of innovative solutions as a prerequisite for establishing permanent stability of the social systems of the state. The development of entrepreneurship in public administration and in general, can help new entrepreneurs to strengthen their skills and abilities and become more proficient in the management of institutions. Public administration is the area concerned with the management and delivery of public services and policies. Public administrators face a number of challenges, including limited resources, complex regulations, diverse needs and changing employee expectations. Entrepreneurship helps public administrators to solve these issues by discovering new ways to improve efficiency, effectiveness and quality of public services and policies. Entrepreneurship can create inventive solutions to social and environmental problems. They can also engage and empower citizens, communities and partners to create value and impact. In addition, entrepreneurship can foster a culture of creativity, collaboration and learning in public organizations. The term public entrepreneurship (Leyden, D.P, &Link, A.N.,2015) means the promotion of innovative solutions for the creation of economic policies that will generate and release business ideas, make more profit and generate more economic progress in a favorable working environment. Nowadays, entrepreneurship in the public sector affects the transformation processes of organizations, by increasing the effectiveness of the knowledge and skills of entrepreneurs, that is, by increasing the heterogeneous characteristics of economic entities and their ability to turn such diversity into an advantage. Public entrepreneurship is manifested through various activities, such as: changing the institutional environment or the rules of the game, establishing new public organizations, creating and managing new public resources, and exploiting the spillover effects of private actions for the public interest. Therefore, it is necessary to perceive the current trends and challenges in the public sector in general, and then to develop the theories of private entrepreneurship in order to achieve a sustainable environment for practicing the principles of entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Bogojeski, P., & Korunovska, V. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 64(1), 161–165. Retrieved from

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