
  • Andrejana Trpevski University "Goce Delcev" Shtip, N. Macedonia
  • Strahil Gazepov University "Goce Delchev" University, Shtip, N. Macedonia


visual functions, rehabilitation, optical aids, blind persons, persons with low vision


The term rehabilitation of blind persons and persons with low vision signifies a set of medical, pedagogical , psychological and other treatments which should either improve or return the lost vision, to the greatest possible extent. If the functional vision cannot be improved, it is necessary to optimize the daily functioning of these persons by applying new findings, behavioral techniques, using the available technical devices, etc. The accomplishment of these goals requires engagement of a multidisciplinary team consisted of specialists in ophthalmology, psychology, typhlopedagogy, social workers, etc. Optical aids represent a key part in the rehabilitation of blind persons and persons with low vision. These include various magnifiers such as hand-held magnifying glasses, telescopes, electronic magnifiers, computers with screen reading software, etc. . The rehabilitation process for persons with low vision also includes mobility training, home management skills training and occupational therapy. Rehabilitation ( literally , the act of re-enablement) helps patients to achieve physical , social , emotional , spiritual independence, as well as life of good quality. According to data published by The world health organization in 2013 ( Low Vision and Blindness – WHO), globally there are 285 million blind persons and persons with low vision, which represents 4.25% of the total population . There are 39 million blind persons (14%), and 246 million (86%) persons with low vision. The most common causes of vision impairment and vision loss, at a global level, are uncorrected refractive errors (43%) , -cataract (33%) as the main causes of low vision and blindness , glaucoma (2%) with progressive visual field constriction and vision loss, age-related macular degeneration , diabetic retinopathy , corneal opacity, childhood blindness which may be congenital or acquired , pathologic myopia , eye infection (e.g. trachoma), posterior uveitis , cortical damage following a stroke, trauma, multiple sclerosis, etc. There are no statistical data on the exact number of persons with low vision and blind persons in the Republic of North Macedonia. Hence, the data on the number of members of the National Union of the Blind in RNM are most frequently used instead. These data are incomplete because not all blind persons and persons with low vision are members of this Union. However, they can serve as a starting point for research in this area.


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How to Cite

Trpevski, A., & Gazepov, S. (2024). REHABILITATION OF PERSONS WITH LOW VISION. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 63(4), 439–444. Retrieved from

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