
  • Gergana Minkovska Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of educational studies and the arts, Sofia, Bulgaria


dances, cheerleading squads/teams, cheerleading festival, talent


Tracing the origin of dance from its inception to the present day reveals a long path of development. Historical data related to physical culture and expression provides grounds to believe that its birth can be traced back to antiquity. While in the distant past people danced to invoke rain, achieve victory over enemies, increase herds, appease spirits, etc., today the various forms of dance, modified and adapted to the age characteristics of practitioners, have become an integral part of the cultural and sports life of contemporary society, evolving through the centuries. The purpose of this study is to attempt to establish the role of dance as an opportunity for individuals of different age groups to showcase their talent. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: Observation of a dance event in a Bulgarian city, for which the author received an invitation from the organizers; Brief description of the location of the event and investigation into the origin of the name of the cheerleading festival "Sunlit Bessapara"; Conducting a survey among leaders of cheerleading teams participating in the specific dance event; Analysis of the obtained results; Drawing conclusions. Based on the material presented, it could be concluded that providing opportunities for engaging in sports activities and participating in dance formats, such as cheerleading, where the emphasis is on aesthetics and beauty in all its forms, and where qualities like hard work, determination, willpower, teamwork, and respect are not just words but an ongoing effort aimed at educating participants, is an opportunity for the development and expression of the abilities and talents of the individual.


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How to Cite

Minkovska, G. (2024). DANCE FORMATS AS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE EXPRESSION OF INDIVIDUAL TALENT. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 63(5), 627–633. Retrieved from