
  • Rumyana Etova Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • Desislava Todorova Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Vasil Topalov Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • Svetoslav Georgiev Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria


floods, awareness, causes, population, preventive measures


In the past decades, floods have been one of the most common disaster situations. One of the main reasons for the increase in the frequency of floods worldwide is climate change. However, there are other factors that lead to the increasing trend of floods. Causes can be not only natural (prolonged and heavy rainfall, melting snow, ice jams, tsunami waves, etc.) but also anthropogenic (failure of hydraulic structures, riverbeds that have not been cleaned, overflowing dams, ineffective actions of institutions, etc.). The purpose of this publication is to establish the extent to which the population is aware of the causes of flooding in their location. Material and Methods: Statistical, comparative and descriptive methods were used to present data based on a survey conducted in 2015 (309 respondents) and 2021 (250 respondents). It is found that an extremely small percentage of respondents (less than 24%), believe that snowfall and rapid snowmelt can cause flooding. Over 62% of the respondents consider prolonged and heavy rainfalls as one of the main causes. Regarding the human factor, over 72% of respondents believe that uncleared riverbeds are a serious problem for floods. In 2015, 58.6% of respondents thought that the release and hence overflowing of dams is not a cause of flooding, while in 2021 the percentage is much higher (70.8%). Findings: Increasing climate change is leading to an increase and intensification of natural causes of flooding. The anthropogenic factor is no less important for the increased number of floods. Due to the warming climate and the shorter winter season, snowfall and the accumulation of permanent snow cover followed by rapid snowmelt is a less common natural phenomenon. The dumping of domestic and industrial waste into river beds, their silting and non cleaning is a serious problem for water drainage and overflow, with consequent flooding. Uncontrolled release and overflow of dams is also a significant factor that should not be ignored. Conclusion: Awareness of the population about the causes of flooding in their location is essential for reducing the number of floods. This could be achieved through widespread propaganda by the institutions regarding the causes of floods and the preventive measures needed to minimize them. A general change in the policies of the institutions is needed, targeting the population and their responsibility for flood risk reduction.

Author Biographies

Rumyana Etova, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Department of Epidemiology and Disaster Medicine

Desislava Todorova, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria

Department of Preventive Medicine

Vasil Topalov, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Department of Epidemiology and Disaster Medicine

Svetoslav Georgiev, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Department of Epidemiology and Disaster Medicine


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How to Cite

Etova, R., Todorova, D., Topalov, V., & Georgiev, S. (2024). AWARENESS OF THE POPULATION REGARDING THE CAUSES OF FLOODING IN THEIR LOCATION. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 64(4), 569–574. Retrieved from

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