
  • Plamen Iliev New Bulgarian University-Sofia, Bulgaria


controlling, crisis, finance, economy, profit


Controlling as a management concept appeared at the end of the 19th century. and the beginning of the 20th century, as the first companies that introduced it were the "Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad" in 1880, and in 1892 at the "General Electric Company", and their tasks were primarily related to the implementation of financial economic tasks, management of financial investments and capital. In recent years, the need to apply this concept has grown, with the emergence of the new financial and economic crisis of 2008-2009, which placed business in an unpredictable and uncontrollable environment, as well as the crisis caused by the coronavirus after 2020, which, in addition to being unexpected, turned out to be and unpredictable in duration and damage to the economy and finances worldwide. And when we began to raise fewer heads from it, we were hit with a new crisis from the events in Ukraine, with new consequences related to new higher prices of products, vetoing by the rich to Russia, etc., which can to add the serious tension from the near east. In this situation, a new management system or concept is needed in organizations to support management for more efficient management for lower costs, for more investments, for labor optimization, etc. Such a system is adopted by Controlling, which has shown its effectiveness over time, with great merit even at the time of the "Great Depression" in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century, successfully passed the tests for the revival of the economy in Western Europe after the Second World War and the development of the countries to the present day. It was only at the end of the 20th century, after the democratic changes, that Controlling began to find ground and application in the countries of the "socialist camp".


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How to Cite

Iliev, P. (2024). PROFIT CONTROLING. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 66(1), 67–72. Retrieved from