testing, characterization, waste sludgeAbstract
The paper presents the procedure of examination and characterization of sludge from wastewater
treatment. This procedure includes: sampling, identification with categorization of waste, characterization depending
on the degree of danger, characterization of the subject waste as hazardous waste and determination of the
concentration of hazardous substances, determination of physico-chemical and toxicological characteristics and
effects on human health, determination of the impact on the environment and others procedures in accordance with
the applied methodology and preparation of reports on waste testing. The testing and characterization process begins
with sampling and ends with reporting. The goal of wastewater treatment is to obtain clean water, while sludge is
produced as a by-product. Clean water returns to nature, and sludge goes to treatment and final disposal. The
treatment can be: sanitary disposal, recycling using composting technology with the aim of obtaining compost or
energy utilization as solid fuel or using anaerobic digestion with the aim of obtaining biogas.
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