Dear colleagues,
Information about upcoming XXI conference in Budva, Montenegro which will be held in the period of

The deadlines are as follows:
– 10.05.2019 – abstract submission deadline
– 20.05.2019 – full paper submission deadline

The call for participation is distributed to participants in English, Macedonian, Serbian and Bulgarian language. Additionally, we are sending the abstract and full paper templates. Please consider the templates in the process of structuring the paper.

The papers shall be submitted in MS Word format to the mail info@ikm.mk. All accepted papers will be published in
KNOWLEDGE – International Journal, vol. 31. 
                  and included in:
– EBSCO Host, Data Base Business  Source
– Index Copernicus International
– Crossref(DOI)
– Global Impact Factor
 (1.832 for 2017)

For additional information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Prof. Robert Dimitrovski PhD
Knowledge Management Institute Skopje – Director

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