27th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE – Knowledge for sustainability, 21 – 23 August, 2020. Struga, Macedoni

Hotel Biser

Dear colleague,

We are pleased to announce the dates for the next conference of the Institute of Knowledge Management and the co-organizers – the 27th International scientific conference – Knowledge for sustainability, which will be held in Hotel Biser – Struga, Macedonia, http://www.hotelbiser.com.mk/, in the period of 21-23.08.2020.

Hotel Biser

Hotel Biser – Struga, Macedonia 

The deadlines are as follows:
26.07.2020 – abstract submission deadline
07.08.2020 – full paper submission deadline

Additionally, we are sending the abstract and full paper templates. Please consider the templates in the process of structuring the paper.

The abstracts/papers shall be submitted in MS Word format to the mail info@ikm.mk.

All accepted papers will be published in KNOWLEDGE – International Journal, with
– DOI number,
– published online on OJS platform and included in:
– EBSCO Host, Data Base Business Source
– Index Copernicus
– EuroPub
– Global Impact Factor (1.832 for 2017)

For all necessary information we remain available.



Prof. Robert Dimitrovski PhD
Knowledge Management Institute Skopje – Director

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