
  • Dimitrina Blagoeva Faculty of Public Health „Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, MD”, Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria


nurses, awareness, epileptic seizures, students, training


Epilepsy is the most common chronic neurological disease of the brain, which begins in childhood. Epilepsy can be caused by various factors affecting the brain. The causes of epilepsy can be different: hypoxemic and metabolic disorders that lead to permanent brain damage, infectious and traumatic injuries, structural abnormalities of the central nervous system. The main symptom of epilepsy is epileptic seizures, which are due to excessive discharges of nerve cells in the brain. Epileptic seizures are divided into convulsive and non-convulsive. The disease is characterized by recurrent seizures of loss of consciousness and / or motor, sensory and mental changes. The purpose of the present study is to investigate and analyze the need for awareness of nurses working in educational institutions to deal with an epileptic seizure that occurs in a student at school. The materials and methods used in the study are sociological, documentary and graphical analysis of the results. The study was conducted among 49 nurses working in schools in the city of Sofia. Results and discussion: The age of the nurses from the educational institutions who took part in the survey shows that the group of respondents aged 51 to 60 has the highest relative share. School nurses are informed about epilepsy and the causes that can cause an epileptic seizure in students. Almost half of the respondents can cope with an epileptic seizure that occurred in a student at school. Conclusion: Epilepsy is a disease characterized by epileptic seizures. School nurses need to be aware of the types of epileptic seizures. It is necessary to conduct trainings for nurses from educational institutions.


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How to Cite

Blagoeva, D. (2021). RESEARCHING THE NEED FOR AWARENESS TO DEAL WITH EPILEPTIC SEIZURE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 48(3), 455–460. Retrieved from