
  • Dimitrina Blagoeva Faculty of Public Health „Prof. Dr. Tsekomir Vodenicharov, MD”, Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria


awareness, epilepsy, students, school


Epilepsy has been known and described since ancient times. Hippocrates described it as a disease of "brain origin" as early as about 450 BC. Epilepsy has no geographical, social, racial boundaries and affects both sexes and all ages. Worldwide, nearly 10.5 million children under the age of 15 suffer from epilepsy. Epilepsy is one of the most common chronic neurological diseases affecting the child's nervous system. Epilepsy can be genetic in nature and sometimes due to acquired causes, but more often epilepsy occurs as a result of the simultaneous presence of both genetic and acquired factors. The disease is characterized by recurrent bouts of loss of consciousness and/or motor, sensory and mental changes. In children with epilepsy, as a debilitating disease, all three health parameters are violated - physical, mental (mental) and social well-being. The purpose of the present study is to study and analyze the awareness of students in schools about the disease epilepsy. The materials and methods used in the study are sociological, documentary and graphical analysis of the results. The study included 174 students studying in educational institutions (primary, general and vocational) in the city of Sofia. Results and discussion: The students who participated in the study were mostly girls. The age of the majority of students is 15-19 years, and the schools in which they study are general education. Regarding their awareness of epilepsy, students indicate that they are familiar with it, as the main source of information is the Internet. Conclusion: It is necessary to conduct training of students from educational institutions on issues related to health and social problems of their classmates with epilepsy.


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How to Cite

Blagoeva, D. (2021). AWARENESS OF STUDENTS IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ABOUT EPILEPSY. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 47(4), 663–668. Retrieved from