
  • Shpend Ademi University of Tetovo, North Macedonia
  • Remzije Nuhiu University of Tetovo, North Macedonia


English language, Albanian language, adjective, suffix -less, differences, similarities


The study of adjectives with the suffix -less in English and their Albanian equivalents is a very important contribution and in-depth research for scholars and researchers in the field of linguistics. This research paper presents a better understanding of the adjectives with this suffix, which will be given the similarities and differences between the adjectives in these two languages. The present papers deal with adjectives with prefixes and suffixes in general, while the dominant explanation in this paper is in-depth because there is only the suffix –less that will be studied the most. In this paper, examples of adjectives with suffix –less are taken from the novel The Great Gatsby by Francis S. Fitzgerald. Also, the same examples are found in the Albanian translation (by Stavri Pone) where a comparative analysis of this type of adjective from English to Albanian is made. The adjectives with the suffix -less are analyzed and the following conclusion is reached: out of a total of 15 examples with the suffix -less excerpted from the novel The Great Gatsby, the following equivalents were found when translated into Albanian; 60% of the adjectives are translated with the prefix pa–,  27% are translated with different adjectives, and 13% are translated with the prefix sh-. The main difference between these adjectives in their translation is the fact that the suffix -less when translated into Albanian is transformed into a prefix and in most cases as a prefix pa-  and sh-.  Although this transformation seems to lose the meaning of the word or sentence when translated from English into Albanian, on the contrary, the meaning is always preserved and in this case the prefixes pa- and sh-  in Albanian indicate without, less, absence, etc. Consequently, this paper should be useful for Albanian students in English as a foreign language, as well as for Albanian teachers and researchers of English as a foreign language.


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How to Cite

Ademi, S., & Nuhiu, R. (2021). ENGLISH ADJECTIVES ENDING IN SUFFIX -LESS AND THEIR ALBANIAN CORRESPONDENTS (CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS). KNOWLEDGE - International Journal , 47(5), 827–832. Retrieved from https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/kij/article/view/4860